In Depth Guide About Treatment And Procedure Of Dental Implants

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In-Depth Guide about Treatment and Procedure of Dental Implants


Earlene Hayley

Within the last decade, dentistry has headed to incredible technological developments. These days, dental implants have become the treatment of choice to replace missing, lost or broken teeth. And many people who have relapse problems opt for dental braces as they can safely and firmly pull a tooth into their original place. Anyways, the implantation is done using proper surgical techniques that is why the success rate has surpassed about 96 per cent.

This much success rate of this treatment was achieved after years and years of experiments and trial and error. Then the dental community developed titanium dental implants that looked much like a natural tooth root, and the clinical evidence shows the improved success rates with the newly developed implants.

Implantation treatment is done in several different ways, but some common procedures widely followed by dentists are mentioned below.

Single Tooth Implantation: The single tooth implantation procedure is used for the replacement of single tooth. First the single titanium dental implant is inserted then a single crown is attached.

Fixed Bridge Implantation: This implantation is used to treat two or more than two lost or missing teeth. The treatment involves insertion of two dental implants that are spread across two, three, or four teeth, depending on the condition. Then the fixed bridge is attached.

All-on-Four Dental Implantation: This is the most severe dental implantation procedure because it involves the placement of four titanium dental implants either on top or bottom of the jaw bone, depending on the patient s condition, then fixed denture is constructed and attached that works like a new set of natural teeth.

Over Denture Implantation: The procedure of this method is almost similar to the above mentioned All-on-Four implantation, so instead of four, it uses two implants. And can be removed by the help of professional dentist.

The last two mentioned implantation procedures are usually used for those patients who have lost all or majority of their teeth. The surgery time depends on the implant procedure that is recommended by your dentist. However, all of these procedures usually require short surgery time as well as little recovery time.

Many patients face several problems and issues while searching for experienced and qualified dentist and surgical consultant. So following steps can help you in avoiding these issues.

1.Take your time to properly do your research about the consultant who is recommending you the implant and also confirm that whether he or she is experienced and skilled in his work.

2.Make sure that the surgeon who will place the implant is well practiced from recognized institute or program, and have done some sort of course which includes training.

3.When you first visit your surgical consultant, ask him or her about what type of implant they will use. And also inquire about its success and survival rates.

4.Also ask your doctor about the estimate time required for the treatment and what is the reason of choosing that specific type of implant.

Earlene Hayley is a blogger who is passionate about women\’s beauty. She writes about her experiences and also gives advices related to beauty related services. Here she is sharing her view about how

dental implants

makes refreshing impact on your looks.

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What Causes Gum Recession?

Author:  |  Category: Dentist

By Dr. Vito Clarizio

When gums are healthy, they are positioned up against your teeth covering your tooth roots and keeping food particles from getting below your gum line. With gum recession, the gums move away from the tooth, exposing the tooth roots and making it easy for food and bacteria to get below the gum line sometimes creating periodontal pockets that can become infected, resulting in tooth loss or jawbone deterioration.

Gum recession is typically caused when the tissue of the gums becomes damaged either due to poor dental hygiene, trauma to the mouth, or periodontal disease. Crooked or irregular teeth or thin, fragile gum tissue can also be the reason for gum recession. There are several symptoms that can indicate gum recession, and when they occur are warning signs letting you know that it’s time for a visit to your dentist to correct the problem before more serious issues can develop. Signs of gum recession are:

–The roots of your teeth begin to show.

–Your teeth start appearing longer than they normally do.


–When brushing your teeth or running your tongue over your teeth you may feel a notch at the gum line.

–You may start to notice that you have bad breath.

–The spaces between your teeth seem to be getting bigger.

–Your gums may bleed when you brush or floss.

–Your gums may look red or swollen.

–You might notice tooth decay below your gum line.

–The color of your teeth may look different because the color of your tooth enamel is actually different than the color of the cementum which covers a tooth root.

The first step for treating gum recession is to determine the underlying cause and to correct or eliminate it. By examining your teeth, your dentist can quickly determine what is causing the issue. Since poor oral hygiene habits are often the culprit behind the issue, your dental professionals can help you determine good daily oral hygiene habits along with instructing you on the right way to brush your teeth, which will often be enough to correct the problem.

When the gum recession is located on just a few of your teeth in the front of your mouth, the way that you are brushing your teeth is most likely the cause and your dental hygienist can quickly instruct you on how to brush your teeth without causing damage to your gums. Sometimes the way your teeth are aligned or a habit of grinding your teeth can be the cause. However, if all or the majority of your teeth have receding gums, it is most likely that periodontal disease is involved. A thorough periodontal screening and examination will help your dentist diagnose the extent of the disease and the best treatment method for stopping the problem and correcting the damage.

The important thing to know about gum recession is that it should not be ignored because it can quickly develop into a larger problem such as serious periodontal disease, which can result in tooth loss and bone deterioration.

About the Author: After graduating as a DMD in 1988

Dr. Vito Clarizio

started his own practice in Whitestone, NY and has been in private practice here for over 20 years. He is loved by both his patients and his staff. His core staff has been with him since the beginning of the practice.


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Help And Tips With New Dentures}

Author:  |  Category: Dentist

Submitted by: Barrie Semp

When you begin eating with your new dentures it is important to start very slowly. Eating at first may present difficulties; in fact it is the most difficult part of mastering new dentures. Dont be discouraged if you experience a few failures at first, natural teeth are fixed in bone whilst your artificial dentures only rest on the bone. When you chew on one side of your mouth you may find notice a tendency for your dentures to tip and loosen on the opposite side. Attempt to chew food evenly on both sides of your teeth. This will prevent your dentures form tipping while you are eating.

Provided that you are patient and spend the necessary time practicing eating with your new dentures you will learn to control the automatically using the muscles of mastication in your mouth. With some new dentures it may be necessary to increase the height of the upper and lower teeth so as to have them contact sooner. This may have to be done through the use of an appliance known as an occlusal splint or bite splint. With a change such as this you may have to develop new eating habits simply because you will chew your food at a different position than that of your old dentures.

Here are a few eating tips when wearing new dentures;

Eat food that does not need hard chewing


Take smaller mouthfuls and chew slowly and evenly

At first dont bite off food with your front teeth you will learn how to do this later

Cut food into smaller pieces that can easily fit in your mouth.

As you become more skilled at eating while wearing your new dentures you will be able to try harder and tougher foods and eventually you will be able to use your front teeth for biting. Remember with your natural teeth you bite and pulled but with your dentures you bite and push. Sometimes you may have difficulty eating very thin foods such as lettuce or the skins of apples and tomatoes. Its often easier to eat apples if you first peel them or slice them into quarters.

Be sure to regularly clean your dentures after eating. If plaque from eating with your new dentures is not removed on a daily basis it may affect the way your dentures fit, your dentures may not look correct, you may experience profound denture odours and even your health may be at risk. Therefore, it is important that you clean your dentures every day.

If a problem arises, seek further advice and treatment from your denturist, dentist or orthodontist. Here at The Smile Centre UK we provide support for our patients struggling with the use of new dentures. Often patients have come to us in the past as their current dentures have been poorly fitted by a previous dentures and causing them pain as well as discomfort during eating. When applying for new dentures, it is advisable you seek the best quality service offering handcrafted dentures.

For more information about caring for fixed dentures, speak to your dentist. Alternatively, if you are interested in learning more about full or partial fixed dentures or dental implants, visit the website of Manchester’s The Smile Centre UK at or call us directly on 0844 3098 994.

About the Author: If you are interested in learning more about full or partial fixed



dental implants

, visit the website of Manchester’s The Smile Centre UK at or call us directly on 0844 3098 994.


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Are There Dangerous Parabens In Your Skin Creams? Separating Fact From Fiction

Author:  |  Category: Dentist

By Dr. Valerie Rosenbaum

The debate over the dangers of parabens in skincare products and other health and beauty aids is a heated one. If you ask one side, ‘Are parabens bad?’ Their answer will be no. The other side will say, ‘Yes’. Here’s a look at both sides of the story.

Safe Preservatives or Not?

The pro-paraben side of the debate point out the long history of safe use, the effectiveness as preservatives and the low cost. The opposing view is that long term history of safe use is questionable.

One of the dangers of parabens has always been allergic reaction. They and other artificial preservatives are the most common cause of allergic reactions. If you have sensitive skin or allergies, then, yes is the answer to are parabens bad.


Organizations that adhere to the ‘precautionary principle’ object to the everyday use of these preservatives and to the variety of different products, including food, that contain them. The precautionary principle puts the burden of proof on the pro-paraben side. They need to prove that the chemicals will NOT cause harm. The pro-paraben group believes that they should be proven undoubtedly harmful, before they will stop using them in their products.

Are parabens bad preservatives? There is no doubt that a paraben can prolong the shelf-life of a product, but other safer options exist, especially when it comes to caring for the skin. Natural vitamin E is a safe and effective preservative that is also an antioxidant and beneficial for the skin’s health.

That leaves only cost. It is true that a synthetic paraben is less expensive than naturally occurring vitamin E, but if cosmetic companies would cut into their advertising budget, just a little, they could avoid passing the expense on to their customers.

What Are the Believed Dangers of Parabens?

It depends on which one you are talking about. They are a group of synthetic chemicals that are combined with specific types of alcohol. The type of alcohol is immediately precedes the word ‘paraben’ on an ingredients label. When it comes to methyl-parabens, they are known to cause itching, burning, scaling, hives and blistering of the skin.

Are parabens bad for your health? They imitate estrogen activity. Women who have endometriosis are advised to avoid products that contain them. People in general are likely to be exposed to too many different estrogen imitators and they may increase our risk of cancer.

Sodium methyl-paraben has been banned by the EU because of the dangers of parabens combined with sodium include de-pigmentation of the skin. If yes is the answer to are parabens bad, what can you do.

There are safe and effective alternatives like natural vitamin E and grape seed extract. When those cannot be found, you simply have to avoid them whenever possible. We are exposed to a lot of carcinogens on a daily basis. That is probably one of the dangers of parabens. When added to all of the other carcinogens in our environment, it’s a miracle that everyone doesn’t develop it.

About the Author: Dr. Valerie Rosenbaum is a dermatologist who specializes in natural skin care products using only clinically proven ingredients like Cynergy TK. At her website she recommends the best paraben free skin care products. For more information visit her website


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